Project 10: Online reservation platform

Posted on dim. 14 avril 2024 in Personnel project • Tagged with Python, Django, MVT, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, HTMX, Alpine JS

Project summary:

Development of a web application which allows, for the visitor, to book some activities, and for the application manager to create the activities, manage the slots, and assign them to an instructor when booked…

Skills worked:

  1. Writing of the technical specifications
  2. Creation of the database schema
  3. Development of …

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Project 9 : DevOps

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, pytest, flake8, CI/CD, CircleCI, Docker, Heroku, Sentry

Summary of the project:

A start-up, in the rental property sector in expansion wants to improve its website, as well as the code on the deployment (not on the visual appearence).

Skills worked:

  1. Virtual environments management
  2. Technical debts management:
    Code refactoring according to the linting code report
    pluralization correcting in …

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Projet 8: Secured back-end architecture

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, ORM, postgresql, API, ERD

Project summary:

An event agency wants to equipe themselves with an internal secured CRM system (Customer Relationship Management).

Skills worked:

  1. Write the code showing endpoints from a secured API with the framework Django REST to enable CRUD operations.
  2. Implement a secured database with Django ORM and PostgreSQL :
    Creation of the …

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Project 7: Tests and debugging

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, pytest, flask, locust, TDD

Project summary:

A company has created a digital platform to coordinate his events, but there are several, one which crashes the application.
The goal is to fix the bugs, execute the phase 2 elements according to the Test Driven Development approach and produce a performance report.

Skills worked:

  1. Debugging python …

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Project 6: Secured RestFul API

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, django, Postman, API

Project summary:

Create one application to follow technical problems via an REST API with the framework REST Django.

Skills worked:

  1. Create an REST API with Django REST :
    Show the different endpoints with Postman
  2. Secured the API in accordance with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):
    Use JWT (JSON Web …

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Projet 5: Web application with Django

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, django, MVT, sqlite

Project summary:

A compagny wishes commercialize a product to enable to a user community for consulting or requesting a book review.
The goal of this project is to implement a web application for their MVP (minimum viable product).

Skills worked:

  1. Use Model-View-Template as software design pattern
  2. Create a user interface …

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Project 4: User interface for a Python web application

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with vanilla java script, HTML, CSS, API

Project summary:

Develop a user interface for a Python web application which to enable subscribers to view some film suggestions with carousels type « Netflix ».
When the user clicks on a film's picture, a modal box opens with additional information.

Skills worked:

  1. Interact with an API REST:
    Retrieve films data from …

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Project 3: Software program

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, MVC, orienté objet, flake8

Project summary:

Write, with Python, a software program for managing chess tournaments according to some technical specifications (terms and condictions, creation of twin players, update of rankings, reports publishing).
Lancement depuis la console.

Skills worked:

  1. Use Object Oriented Programming to develop the software
  2. Use Model-View-Controller as software design pattern:
    Create …

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Project 2: Design an application with Python

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with wireframes, user stories, kanban, DCU, ULM

Project summary:

An association wishes to have a tutoring website to enable communication between teachers and students. The project involve working on the conception of the website (before coding).

Skills worked:

  1. Use cases diagrams for each main functionality (connexion, chat, calendar, tasks manager, dashboard)
  2. User stories with acceptance criterias for …

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Project 1: Web scraping

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project • Tagged with python, beautifulsoup

Project summary:

Automation of second hand price book monitoring with a scraping program made with Python, capable of extracting all prices, information, and images from an online bookshop.

Skills worked:

  1. Python environnement configuration
  2. Code organisation with functions
  3. Version control with Git and GitHub:
    First steps on GitHub with creation on …

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