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Project 6: Secured RestFul API

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project

Project summary:

Create one application to follow technical problems via an REST API with the framework REST Django.

Skills worked:

  1. Create an REST API with Django REST :
    Show the different endpoints with Postman
  2. Secured the API in accordance with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):
    Use JWT (JSON Web Token) for the authentification back-end of the framework Django REST
    Authorization access management via IsAuthenticated
    Set permissions depending on user's role
  3. Document the API :
    Write a detailed documentation with Postman

Technologies and tools:

Python 3.9 ; Django ; Django Rest ; Postman ; GitHub ; Gitbash ; PyCharm

Project's repository:

«Create Secured RestFul API with Django REST»