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Project 3: Software program

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project

Project summary:

Write, with Python, a software program for managing chess tournaments according to some technical specifications (terms and condictions, creation of twin players, update of rankings, reports publishing).
Lancement depuis la console.

Skills worked:

  1. Use Object Oriented Programming to develop the software
  2. Use Model-View-Controller as software design pattern:
    Create some classes which serves as models for the tournaments, players, matchs, rounds.
    Write controlers in order to accept users datas, produce the matchs results, start new tournaments.
    Write views to dispaly rankings, pairing, and other statistics.
  3. Write a code in compliance with PEP 8.

Technologies and tools:

Python 3.9 ; Flake8 ; GitHub ; Gitbash ; PyCharm

Project's repository:

« Software program with Python »