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Project 4: User interface for a Python web application

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project

Project summary:

Develop a user interface for a Python web application which to enable subscribers to view some film suggestions with carousels type « Netflix ».
When the user clicks on a film's picture, a modal box opens with additional information.

Skills worked:

  1. Interact with an API REST:
    Retrieve films data from the API with AJAX requests and display them on the interface
  2. Develop the Front-End part of the application with HTML, CSS and JavaScript:
    Creation of carousels with the films posters and modal boxes containing film's detail
    None CSS framework (type Bootstrap) used for this project

Technologies and tools:

Vanilla Java Script ; HTML ; CSS ; GitHub ; Gitbash ; PyCharm

Project's repository:

«Develop a user interface for a Python web application»