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Project 1: Web scraping

Posted on mar. 22 février 2022 in Student project

Project summary:

Automation of second hand price book monitoring with a scraping program made with Python, capable of extracting all prices, information, and images from an online bookshop.

Skills worked:

  1. Python environnement configuration
  2. Code organisation with functions
  3. Version control with Git and GitHub:
    First steps on GitHub with creation on one repository and management with commands in the terminal
    Writing of my first README.md and requirements.txt
  4. Apply python programming basics
  5. Handle data with the ETL process (Extract, Transform, Load):
    Datas and images extraction
    Write datas in a CSV files for each category
    Downloading and image recording

Technologies and tools:

Python 3.9 ; BeautifulSoup4 ; GitHub ; Gitbash ; PyCharm

Project's repository:

« Use Python basics for market analysis »