en fr

Projet 8: Secured back-end architecture

Posted on dim. 27 février 2022 in Student project

Project summary:

An event agency wants to equipe themselves with an internal secured CRM system (Customer Relationship Management).

Skills worked:

  1. Write the code showing endpoints from a secured API with the framework Django REST to enable CRUD operations.
  2. Implement a secured database with Django ORM and PostgreSQL :
    Creation of the database architecture using an entity relationship diagram (ERD) Configuration of the PostgreSQL database in the settings.py file
  3. Configuring logging
  4. Customize the django admin site, used as a front-end interface

Technologies and tools:

Python 3.9 ; Django ORM ; PostgreSQL ; GitHub ; Gitbash ; PyCharm ; Draw.io

Project's repository:

«Develop Secured back-end architecture with Django ORM»